Diversity LO14450

Vana Prewitt (vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net)
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 19:33:49 -0700

Replying to LO14422 --

thomas petzinger wrote:

> ONE EVENING at the end of an intense week, she saw a sign behind the
> carryout counter of a pizza parlor. "When all else fails," it said, "lower
> your standards." She did not take the message literally; she is too much a
> perfectionist for that. But it did provide the glimmer of an answer.
> Perhaps by hiring to a different standard -- by emphasizing teamwork over
> training, personality over pedigree -- she and Vic could build a new and
> stronger staff.

Thanks for the great article. Likewise, I have found that hiring for
attitude and aptitude can make a world of difference in the results,
regardless of degrees held and impressive resumes.

Vana Prewitt


Vana Prewitt <vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net>

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