Very interesting, William
Just two questions -
what industry are you in?
Is it possible for internal reviewers to have the same impact?
Is it possible that people might be diverted from the real issues by
having to comply to the requirements of internal inspectors (as seems to
happen in some other inspection and accreditation processes)
Gray Southon
At 10:59 AM 21/7/97 -0400, William Buxton wrote:
>I've been chewing on Gray Southon's dandy question, whether "ISO 9000 does
>really enhance innovation and learning."
>I'm not an ISO consultant, just an ISO user. The piece of it that strikes
>me most as contributing to organizational learning is the inspection
>process. It is by no means bozo-proof, but the extent to which it
>promotes organizational learning is remarkable.
...snip by your host...
>Most inspection meetings I've been in produce a better product as an
>immediate consequence; in the process, they expand the common ground of
>understanding, language,and practices among the participants.
> Bill Buxton
Gray Southon
Consultant in Health Management Research and Analysis
15 Parthenia St., Caringbah, NSW 2229, Australia
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