Beyond Experience LO14512
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:00:58 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO14475 --

Simon writes:
> How important is it for someone to have experience in a world where
> tomorrow will not be like today? The world has fundamentally changed from
> the old orderly organized world to today's diverse, fast changing
> unorganized world.

When I was a young military pilot my heroes were the crusty old captains
and majors who had accumulated thousands of hours of flight time. The
threshold for entering this realm of expertise and wisdom was somewhat
undefined, but there was something magical about each thousand hours of
experience - or so I thought until I had accumulated a thousand hours
myself. Then I noticed that among my contemporaries there were two types
of thousand-hour fliers: Those who had 1000 different one-hour
experiences and those who had the same experience 1000 times. There is a
huge difference in the two.

Whether or not the world is moving faster, the effect of experience may or
may not be cumulative. Perhaps breadth of experience is a better measure?


Lon Badgett "To the man with a bad haircut, the experience of realizing that it will grow back someday may not be worth the experience of looking stupid today." Emil Gobersneke

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