Financial planning and LOs LO14542
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:25:23 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO12818 --

The 'system' you might be looking for could possibly be the 'Interactive
Balanced Scorecard'. See the December 1996 issue of the Quality Observer
for more details.

>...we decided that we cannot really construct a business plan in the
>generally accepted sense of the word. (Discrete costed activity areas
>with predicted monthly out-turns). We are a business at the developmental
>stage, so the tradition of monthly expenditure against identified
>milestones won't be very useful, since even the notion of what
>constitutes a milestone tends to change every few months. Also activities
>are highly contingent on each other. If we do certain things in a
>different order, other activities actually disapper or change in their
>scale and timing. We thought of using critical path techniques, but
>realised that we were in danger of turning something artificial (our
>current financial planning system) into something totally unwieldy and
>unuseful. Put in my language, we have a long term business strategy, but
>only very short term business plans (perhaps 2 months max in some areas).
>What kind of financial planning and monitoring system can cope with this?

Frank Voehl (


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