Learning vs. Performance Targets LO14548

William Newman (bruinz@sprynet.com)
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 07:18:20 -0400

Colleagues -

The most recent issue of Inc. magazine profiles the differences in
companies that use as measurements based both on performance and learning
objectives in a brief executive summary near the beginning of the issue.
As a technical manager and consultant, I found it refreshing to find both
discussed in a related, causal fashion.

The gem I found from the article was in the development of performance
objectives, where the suggested technique was to frame these objectives in
the structure "I will plan to learn [learning objective] in order to
accomplish [performance objective].

I would be eager to here of further real-life examples and encourage you
to get a copy of this brief, 2-page abstract.

Regards, Bill.

William D. Newman CMC
Manager, A-OK Applied Technologies Group
Waterford, MI USA

"Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man
doesn't have to experience it." -- Max Frisch

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"William Newman" <bruinz@sprynet.com>

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