I was involved about 10 years ago in an (unsuccessful) attempt to
establish a continuous process improvement movement in the model of the
Software Engineering Institute, and have been learning ever since about
how such things can get started and grow, as well as how they can fail.
Most recently, I've read The Fifth Discipline, and that's led me here
(among other places).
Recently, realizing that I have more of my career behind me than ahead,
I've been considering how I want to spend the remainder. One thing I do
know: I very much want to be a part of an organization well along the way
in the LO art & practice. The question is, how to find such
organizations? Any ideas will be appreciated.
As an initial contribution to the list: I've been following and
participating in the work on introducing Design Patterns to software
development. As a related development, there's a mailing list devoted to
the ways of using the patterns concept to capturing organizational
knowledge and fostering improvement; in effect, to make patterns an
organizational learning tool. To get a good overview of this area, check
out http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/docs/patterns-intro.html; at the end
of this introduction is a pointer to the Organization-patterns archives.
Joining this and other patterns-related discussion groups can be done
through http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/users/patterns/Lists.html.
Happy to be here,
Don Dwiggins "Man can make System great,
SEI Information Technology but System cannot make Man great"
ddwiggins@sei-it.com -- Confucius
--dwig@MONTEREY.std.com (Don Dwiggins)
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>