Intro -- Linda D. Gonzales LO14595
Sun, 3 Aug 1997 08:46:14 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, I am the director of a K-12 overseas American school. I am presently
on leave to complete my Ph.D. in Educactional Leadership at University of
Florida. My graduate assistanceship is with the Center for Community
Education and I am currently attached to a grant on the adaptation of the
Sunshine State Standards to Adult and Community Education.

I am interested in the relationship between community and the learning
organization. In particular, the sense of community as an index of that
relationship. In our program at UF the concept of the learning
organization is studied but not practiced in depth. I would like to host a
group at UF which can assist one another in developing the skills we need
to provide servant ledership and to become skilled in Senge's five
disciplines. I believe that participation in his list serve, not just
reading it, will assist me in this objective.

As a reader of this list serve for the past two months I have found the
ideas shared here to be very helpful, thanks for the encouragement.

Linda Dawson Gonzales
Center for Community Education
200 Norman Hall
Gainesville, FL 32608


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