On Monday, August 11, Dr. Gary McLean, University of Minnesota, posted his
introductory lecture of a Mini-Class on Full-Circle Feedback that he is
teaching on my web-site: http://www.comp-web.com. Dr. McLean has been
researching issues related to the use of various forms of multi-rater
feedback for purposes of employee development versus performance review and
pay increases for many years.
You can participate in the McLean class and other services on the site at
no cost through October 1. Interested persons should go to the site and
click on the 'How it Works' icon for registration information. Please
e-mail me if you have any questions or problems.
Dr. McLean's Bio:
Dr. McLean is a professor and coordinator of human resource development
and adult education, as well as a professor in business and industry
education at the University of Minnesota. He has been an independent
consultant, primarily in training, organization development, and quality
transformation, for almost 28 years, serving as principal consultant
with ECCO (Effecting Creative Change in Organizations). He was one of
two consultants who began the quality journey with Zytec, 1991 winner of
the Malcolm Baldrige and Minnesota Quality Awards. He is a frequent
speaker and has written over 100 journal articles and 20 textbooks. He
is editor for the Human Resource Development International, immediate
past-president of Human Resource Development Quarterly, and consulting
editor for the Journal of Education for Business.
Dr. McLean has worked as a consultant, taught, and done research in India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Korea, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, Japan,
Poland, Nicaragua, France, People's Republic of China, Kenya, Nigeria,
Venezuela, and the United Kingdom, and is currently involved in projects
in Thailand, Korea, Kenya, and the People's Republic of China. McLean
graduated from Graceland College in pre-commerce in 1961, the University
of Western Ontario in 1964 (Honors B.A. in business administration and
secretarial studies), Teachers College, Columbia University in business
education (M.A., 1965; Ed.D., 1971), and United Theological Seminary in
New Brighton, MN, in 1983 (M.Div.).
Roxanne Abbas
Abbas Compensation Strategies
--Roxanne Abbas <rabbas@comp-web.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>