Perf Improvement LO14670

Eugene Taurman (
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 07:42:55

Replying to LO14662 --

Comments on Harrels's and Carringtons postings

Profit and quality are not mutually exclusive as many belive. Best quality
and least cost(max profit) occur at the same time. That is when the
process works exactly right. By focus on processes and making them work
on demand without flaw we can simultaneously reduce cost improve quality
and make a better place to work. Processes that work right is a less
frustrating place to work that improves attitude. Many managers do not yet
understand this do not accept it due to some old paradigms which you
mentioned. But it is true and has been proven by many companies over the
past 40 years.

You mentioned managers choosing between making a delivery and quality. Yes
many do and because they do they perpetuate lower quality and higher
costs. That action tells employees poor quality and higher cost is ok as
long as we do not get caught. The right message to send is we will not
tolerate processes that require us to make this decision. Over and over
again I have found making the choice to stop and fix improves delivery,
quality and attitude.

I apologize for possible sounding blunt but the connection of these three
is a constant misunderstanding by management with years of misconceptions.


Those that focus on quality but not the process do add cost and never
achieve either low cost or quality.

Eugene Taurman

"There is no such thing as an immaculate perception.
What you see depends upon what you thought before you looked."


Eugene Taurman <>

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