Surfacing assumptions LO14746

Andrew Wong Hee Sing (
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 07:47:50 +0800

Replying to LO14696 --

Francesco Sofo has presented an interesting approach on
"surfacing assumptions" among team members.

"People are encouraged to become critically reflective of
the content and the process of problem solving in order to
change a point of view. They are encouraged to become
critically reflective of the premises of a problem and
consequently to change a habit of the mind. They are
encouraged to engage in objective reframing where you ask
about assumptions outside of yourself; they are also
encouraged to engage in subjective reframing where you
become critically reflective of your own assumptions, of
your own frames of reference and of your own thinking, where
it came from and how you acquired your habit of thinking
that way. "

>From my own observation and experience, I have
several remarks

1.0 Deeper surfacing of assumptions is more than just
techniques and willingness of team members.

2.0 Member composition of an organisation, if not representative
of the core-business of the entity, cannot bring out the

3.0 CURRENT REALITY becomes an Illusion among the "team members
with executive authority" who "disconnect" themselves
from what is happening in their environment.

Symptoms of "disconnect" :

Introduce procedure, system, program ... treating
organisation like a separate mechanical entity

Play the role more as judge in decision making
not as coach or teacher.

Without realising that as executive bodies in the
organisation, many un-intended negative consequences
are they own making.

4.0 Hence during "surfacing assumptions" exercise without
a devil advocate in bringing out the "disconnects",
a greater illusion is in the making.


Andrew Wong
Organisation Observer and Thinker

-- (Andrew Wong Hee Sing)

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