I suppose the path you chose depends on what you want to accomplish by
building teams. Is the goal to reinforce understanding of MBTI or is it
to show how understanding of type can be used to improve team
effectiveness? Do the MBTI students now work in teams or have they been
individual contributors? What kind of teams? In my study group (4-6
people) in management school, we used MBTI to create a develop our
understanding of each member's ability to contribute toward the group
projects we were assigned. Once we had this understanding, effectiviness,
efficiency and closeness improved. I was able to understand that Amy's
avoidance of participation in vigorous debates was not due to lack of
knowledge, but instead she was analyzing the arguments prior to forming an
opinion. When she finally spoke, she consistently articulated the core
issues under consideration and she usually proposed creative solutions
that everyone could accept. In subsequent projects, we were able to
assume organizational roles (i.e. team leader, note taker) based on our
learning styles. Verbal members, such as myself, made very poor note
takers, while quiet members seemed (in itallics) to be ineffective
leaders. While this model formed the basis for our roles, we switched
roles occasionally and developed our less-dominant sides, which also
provided additional insight into the other member's way of perceiving and
Think about what the goals are and proceed accordingly.
>Opinions or statements expressed herein, rational or otherwise, do not
>necessarily reflect those of my employer.
>Harold J. Crossman
>Lighting Research Center
>71 Cherry Hill Dr.
>Beverly, MA 01915
>Phone: (508) 750-1717
>E-mail: crossman@osi.sylvania.com
>Our web sites: www.sylvania.com
> www.siemens.com
--"Crossman, Harold" <crossman@OSI.SYLVANIA.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>