A.K. Rice Conf LO14825 -Jan 98

Marc Kessler (M_KESSLE@dewey.uvm.edu)
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 11:16:10 -0500

I think that this announcement will interest members of the list

The Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems
The Boston Center of The A.K. Rice Institute

Announces its 1998 Residential Conference on Group Relations:

Authority, Leadership and Partnership in Organizational Life

January 14th - 18th, 1998
Mount Marie Conference Center, Holyoke, MA
Director, Evelyn D. Cleavely,
Independent Consultant to Organizations
Associate staff member, Tavistock Marital Studies Institute

An experiential conference in the Tavistock tradition designed to
enable members to extend their awareness of group and organizational
processes and of their participation in them. The method is learning
through experience and reflection. The design of the conference is
based on the assumption that by examining and interpreting
experiences within the conference institution, members will be
enabled to enlarge their understanding of their own institutions and
their roles in them.

For further information and an application please contact:

c/o Marc Kessler
Dept. Of Psychology
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0134
PH (802) 656 - 0880
Fax (802) 656 - 8783
E-mail: MKessler@dewey.uvm.edu

A copy of the Brochure and Application are available on the Web at



Marc Kessler m_kessle@dewey.uvm.edu

Slowmail: University of Vermont
Department of Psychology
Dewey Hall
Burlington,Vermont 05405-0134
PHONE (802) 656-2680
FAX (802) 656-8783


"Marc Kessler" <M_KESSLE@dewey.uvm.edu>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>