Dear subscribers,
Some years ago I read an interview with Peter Senge in which he openly
spoke of the essences of the learning organization. I was struck at the
time by the strong spiritual tone of his words and by the way they echoed
taoist or zen philosophy.
Essentially he pointed out that the essentials of the whole complicated
business of developing a learning organization boiled down to the
simplicity of developing those inherent human qualities latent in all of
us, which allow us to experience a sense of compassion and beauty for the
world around us.
Could it be that one of the many reasons why so many OD practitioners
experience difficulties and obstacles in making the learning organization
really happen is that the focus of their interventions is not orientated
enough towards developing these "soul" like qualities?
If there is anyone interested in discussing this idea further, I'd be
only too happy.
David Lyle-Carter <>
--"david lyle-carter" <>
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