Compassion & Sense of Beauty LO14850

Gary M. Scherling (
Fri, 5 Sep 1997 07:37:55 -0400

Replying to LO14833 --

David Lyle-Carter wrote:

>Could it be that one of the many reasons why so many OD practitioners
>experience difficulties and obstacles in making the learning organization
>really happen is that the focus of their interventions is not orientated
>enough towards developing these "soul" like qualities?

I'd agree and venture to state that many projects, and even companies
experience difficulties and obstacles resulting in failure simply because
they do not orient the tasks and their focus on developing the
individuals. They are too 'task' oriented.

As we develop a learning organization, there can be a tendency to become
task oriented and do all the right 'tasks' without getting to the heart of
the concept... developing individuals who love learning and have a sense
of compassion for others, and a sense of beauty for themselves.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


"Gary M. Scherling" <>

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