Perf improvement LO14867

Don Dwiggins (
Sun, 7 Sep 1997 12:39:24 -0700 (PDT)

Replying to LO14822 --

Jack Zigon writes:
> Management still has to say who the customer is an what business we are
> in. Management has to say which customer requirement we will meet and
> which we will exceed as a competitive advantage.

Management has to make sure that these things are understood throughout
the organization, but there may be better places than "mahogony row" to
make these decisions. In a product company, for example, a team of sales
and engineering folks might be the proper vehicle to strike the balance
between what's desirable and what's achievable.

Don Dwiggins "Man can make System great,
SEI Information Technology but System cannot make Man great" -- Confucius

-- (Don Dwiggins)

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