Intro -- Malcolm Brooks LO14906

Ray Evans Harrell (mcore@IDT.NET)
Tue, 09 Sep 1997 14:26:15 -0700

Replying to LO14898 --

Malcolm Brooks wrote:
> I became fascinated by the FAMILY as a Learning Organization and have been
> introducing my wife Barbara and my 5 year-old son Ian to "snowball" and
> "seesaw" diagrams of our behaviors.


I learned systems first in the Sonata Allegro form on the piano. As I
learned that different systems had different goals, that helped me through
various psycho-therapies and pedagogy courses. What it finally came down
to, for me, was an old prayer that has been told so often as to now be a

"Never judge another until you have inhabited their shoes for at least
four time four moons."

Most systems work if they have integrity and create a whole universe. The
problem is in being perceptive enough to learn and integrate your own into
it, if you are not five years old. Most systems work, but there are great
systems just as there are great works of art.

Thanks for sharing. I called my wife and shared your post with her. We
both agreed that our fights added one element to yours. Some systems are
into revenge. Knowing the value and purpose of that one is tough although
I am sure that others on the list will be quick to let me know. (kidding)


Ray Evans Harrell


Ray Evans Harrell <mcore@IDT.NET>

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