Empowering employee learning LO14921

Ann Reilly (areilly@amfam.com)
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 09:56:45 -0500

Dear Learning Org friends,

I am one of the project leaders assigned to "turn training on its ear" for
the I/S department in a large national insurance company. Our I/S
department has 600-700 people. I/S top management is planning changes or
reorganization using N. Dean Meyer's "Road Map" approach.

Question #1:

One of the things we want to do with the training aspect is to empower our
employees to manage their own continued education. As such we are
considering giving employees a block of at-work hours to use in taking
training classes. We are thinking that employees would be free to choose
both classes associated with their job and classes which are not. We
anticipate that employee supervisors would have limited authority to deny
an employee's choice of classes. Currently, all classes require
supervisory approval.

Has anyone enacted or considered a similar program? How many hours did
you give the employees? How did you administer it? What were the

Question 2:

I am reviewing many reference materials for ideas on our new training
program. These include: Senge's Fifth Discipline, Covey's Seven Habits
of Highly Effective People, ASTD's Creating the Learning Organization,
Watkins & Marsick's 'Sculpting the Learning Organization". Can anyone
suggest major works on this topic that I have missed? We plan to draw
ideas from many sources and create a unique program.

To all, thanks for you input and assistance. I am truly enjoying the
messages you share.

Ann Reilly


Ann Reilly <areilly@amfam.com>

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