I also have some new responsibilities for training and skill development
of IT associates and can relate to your challenge. You may want to look up
a great book "The Learning Alliance -- Systems Thinking in Human Resource
Development" by Robert O. Brinkerhoff and Stephen J. Gill. It was
published by Jossey-Bass in 1994.
The book labels Highly Effective Training (HET) as being composed of four
1) Formulating Training Goals
2)Planning Training Strategy
3)Producing Learning Outcomes, &
4)Supporting performance improvement.
Four principles of the HET approach are outlined:
* Link training events and outcomes clearly and explicitly to business
needs and strategic goals.
* Maintain a strong customer focus in the design, development, and
implementation of all training activities.
* Manage training with a systems view of performance in the organization.
* Measure the training process for the purpose of continuous improvement.
The book concludes with both general and specific strategies for making
the transition to HET as well as a comprehensive checklist based on the
four subprocesses and four principles of the HET approach. Good luck
and I hope you find the info useful.
--"Downing, Mike" <MDowning@LIMITED.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>