Hi Martha,
>Or is there hope for a meaningful dialog in such situations (I hope so)?
Many people, also Christians including me, share your hope. And there is a
lot of interreligeous dialogue on very high level worldwide. The two
highest ranking forums I know about are:
"Projekt Weltethos", facilitated by Hans Kung (or Kueng - the u with two
dots on top) with the solgan "no peace in the world without peace among
religions", based on the "golden rule" (don't do anything to others that
you don't want them to do to you) as common to all religions.
"Konziliarer Prozess zur Bewahrung der Schvpfung" facilitated by Carl
Friedrich von Weizsdcker. All religions have to work together to meet the
challenge to protect and keep our world.
Just to pour some water on your plant of hope - may it grow to a big tree!
--Winfried.Dressler winfried.dressler@voith.de
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