Not exactly what you asked for, but I found that video is a mistake.
Often a single video is produced that fails to reach the majority of the
audience because it doesn't speak their language.
Making several different videos is an alternative, each aimed at a
specific segment of the population. However, this can be seen as a
negative differentiation between groups. Some may see this as saying that
they are, somehow, not as good as another because they require special
measures to reach them.
What HAS worked is a consistent message formatted differently for each
group in the chain, and presented by the management or communication chain
in a cascading fashion. Of course, this requires that each level in the
chain be given some pretty in-depth communications training. Otherwise,
each will tend to receive their message and simply pass that along without
reformatting for the next tier audience. After a bit the effect is the
same as the video.
--Clyde Howell
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