In February 1995, I was astounded to measure 1-2% non-delivery of our
outgoing mail. I began numbering msgs so that subscribers could notice
when they had e-mail outages and so that threads could be connected (by
some e-mail programs and on our web pages).
Msg LO1000 was distributed in May 1995 and LO10000 in September 1996. The
msg volume is roughly flat. There are 1933 e-mail subscribers to
learning-org; 39% get the regular distribution, 61% the digest. The web
adds an unknown number of additional readers (I estimated a few hundred
recently), so over 2000 people get learning-org directly.
>From my experience with learning-org, I have written a two page recipe for
using the net to connect a world-wide community of interest. This appears
on my personal web page (URL below) or write me with the subject line "Net
The traffic on learning-org moves in cycles. Good messages stimulate more
good messages; less traffic or low quality does not. Thus the volume is
subject to a reinforcing loop, so when volume takes off, hold onto your
hat as in August 96 when the volume was double our typical month.
Thank you to all who provide the wonderful content that is endlessly
stimulating to me. Thank you to all who read... even when you are silent,
our whole community senses your presence and is moved. Thanks also to
those of you who have written me with your appreciation, suggestions, and
comments. It is an honor to serve and this is what keeps me motivated
-- Rick
-- Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | email: "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>