LO list etiquette LO15079

Mon, 22 Sep 97 16:01:46 -0400

Responding to LO15065:

I have a difficult time with any sort of rules that apply to the free
exchange of ideas. Speech works best when it provokes thought and
draws responses. How many dialogs would have been truncated if our
host had implemented some sort of "rules of etiquette"?
I don't think anyone here has intentionally set out to insult or
demean others by their _public_ postings on this list, although some
points of view have been more aggressively asserted than others.
I for one enjoy the rancor and the passion that some of our topics


I really enjoyed the anecdote and the subsequent philosophical analogy
of the baroque musician attempting the native american rhythms (you
never told us if he pulled it off!). It fit very well with so many of
our recent topics, especially the Structure vs. Process to Learning
Philosophy, but I fail to see the connection with your set of rules.

'Don't hold back, tell us what you _really_ think'


[Host's Note: Just to be clear, I do enforce some "rules of etiquette"
here and what you see on the list is what passes thru my filter. My
criteria is basically that msgs should reflect respect for all parties in
the dialogue here. In practice, I do return to their authors a very small
proportion of msgs sent to the list address. ...Rick]



Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>