Modern Taylorism LO15117

Bill Harris (
Thu, 25 Sep 1997 09:53:19 -0800 (PDT)

Replying to LO15087 --

Ray Evans Harrell wrote:

> Anyone that has done any research at all knows that creativity is
> incredibly expensive and non-productive because it is holistic. It needs
> total attention and total environmental input. So how do you stir your
> workers, your managers, etc. to that?
> Why doesn't it seem insane to consider that all workers must be creative,
> committed and focused all the time? A while ago I was asked about the Art

> All the managers should have had orchestra in high school and imprinted on
> Georg Solti instead of on Vince Lombardi. In orchestra, productivity is
> not tied to playing all the time no matter what. It is knowing when to
> play at the proper time in the most expert manner.

Thanks for that!

Some business theoreticians understand somewhat; witness Eliyahu
Goldratt's emphasis on "fixing" the constraint/bottleneck in an
organization and on the notion that effort spent improving non-bottlenecks
is wasted effort.

I have also had a manager and erstwhile mentor tell me that he's seen more
contribution from people who put in a good, honest 6 hours work a day (of
8 hours on the job) than from those who work 10-12 hours in a day (but
don't do the right things). However, it's too easy to feel like the
"goofing off" (the 2 hours of that aforementioned 8 hour day) is criminal
rather than essential.



Bill Harris                             Hewlett-Packard Co. 
R&D Engineering Processes               Lake Stevens Division 
domain:               M/S 330
phone: (425) 335-2200                   8600 Soper Hill Road
fax: (425) 335-2828                     Everett, WA 98205-1298 

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