Thinking about a few of the recent postings: how organizations are
overloaded with "culture change" issues (however you may choose to define
them), and how they have less time to perform their stated reason for
being in business...
I'm not usually an extremely patient person, regardless of the story I
tell myself and try to present to others. But what I'm coming to accept
is this... and I keep testing myself to be sure I'm not abdicating due to
I'm beginning to see myself as a planter of the seeds of change -- change
that may not manifest for years, or possibly for a generation. The
situation(s) we find ourselves in did not come to pass overnight -- they
took tens of years to happen. As Systems Thinkers, how quickly can we
expect new ways of interacting within organizations to become more common?
I don't know the answer.
These reflections have led me to this position. I'm concentrating more on
making LO education as accessible as possible. And I'm concentrating on
helping others to be as independent as possible in their learning and in
passing it on to others. I know I need to make a living, but I also
realize that most of what I know today was freely given to me. So I
believe I must balance earning an income with giving as much as I can,
wherever I can, so more and more people are seeding the change.
Then someday we may see organizations become able to freely focus on
whatever it is they are in business for, whether they be religious,
community, business, or educational organizations.
A phrase from my childhood -- "Radio Free Europe" -- seems to be in my
mind recently. Not because of the politics that were involved, but
because of the concept that was involved. I keep wondering how I can help
offer what I am learning and whatever wisdom I am gaining to whomever can
benefit. The choice to accept being theirs -- as always.
In reflection...
--"John H. Dicus" <>
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