After reading my introduction from a year ago, my present situation, job
wise, is much improved over where it was 18 months ago. It seems like it
was 5 years ago that I was at Lockheed Martin.
Presently, I am a manager of Technical Support for SCO, formely Santa Cruz
Operation, in Santa Cruz, California. SCO's primary product is the UNIX
operating System for Intel based computers.
My goal in resubscribing to this list is to learn, gather new ideas, be
fed by the information and dialog that occurs here. Then, to be able to
transfer what I learn on to others by my actions and deeds.
So to some of you I am a new person on the list. To some I am a traveler
who has returned, and to a few who are on my Quote of the Day list, this
is just another side of me. I know that contributor's to this list have a
lot to offer and I hope that I will be able to offer something in return.
And if not, I'll pass the information on.
Archie Kregear
Archie Kregear
"Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good
ideas and information. That's called doing your homework." - Jim Rohn
[Host's Note: Welcome back, Archie! ...Rick]
--Archie Kregear <archiek@sco.COM>
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