Daniel Amyx wrote:
"I want to dedicate myself to this type of work because of its spiritual,
intellectual and challenging nature. But... I'm having a heck-of-a-time
finding a position in this field, even an entry position."
I cannot speak for the field itself, so in a sense these comments may not
apply. As a practicing leader, though, I find myself firmly entrenched in
this field every day, every meeting, every conversation, every
presentation, every interaction.
One of the beauties of this field is that you can practice it anywhere,
and if you do, it is likely to enhance your success and your satisfaction.
Good luck.
--Rol Fessenden LL Bean, Inc 76234,3636@compuserve.com
1. Challenge the process. 2. Inspire a shared vision. 3. Enable others to act. 4. Model the way. 5. Encourage the heart.
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>