Abuse & Personal Mastery LO15224

Benjamin B. Compton (bcompton@enol.com)
Sun, 5 Oct 1997 00:18:06 -0600

Replying to LO15213 --

Mike asks how Personal Mastery helped me deal with the anger I felt from
my abusive past. That's a simple, important question without a simple

I'm leaving early in the morning for South Carolina. I'll be driving so
it'll take me a few days to get there. As soon as I do, and I get an
E-Mail account (which, I believe, is waiting for me) I'll answer the

I'd just like to say, before I take off, that I've been deeply touched by
the many personal messages I've received today. My heart is with those who
have suffered from an abusive past. . .I'll reply to the personal messages
when I get to South Carolina.

Benjamin B. Compton

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