>Winfried wrote:
>I cannot resist to add a few ideas on this:
>1.) System-Thinking approach: The organisation exists in a coevolutionary
>context with its environment. Selflessness could mean, that one should
>avoid to pick a part of this System and call it "Self" to distinguish self
>from "Others".
WOW! Thanks Winfried! There is so much truth packed in this statement.
I'm so glad you could not resist. If I heard what I think you said, when
you stop distinguishing your-self, you lose your life...only to discover
it for the first time!
Thanks for the book references. I'm very interested in this and I
appreciate your selflessness in sharing them.
--"Kerr, Donald A" <Donald.A.Kerr@USAHQ.UnitedSpaceAlliance.com>
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