I said that "For me, dependence on other people is neither a good thing,
nor a necessary thing". Richard C. Holloway and Eugene Taurman both
strongly disagreed with me.
I will try to explain this truth and these feelings of mine more clearly.
Bounded rationality (HERBERT SIMON) (unrecognized limited understanding
and control) of managers (and politicians) in today's diverse, global,
complex times. It is this problem that is causing the problems discussed
on this list such as abuse, inability to develop pay plans and grading
systems, to name but 3 of the ongoing threads.
It is the realization of the voluntary exchange principle that no-one need
do anything they do not want to that renders collective negotiation and
compromise unnecessary. Choices exist, and therefore independence.
It is reduced transaction costs (WILLIAMSON et al) caused by enabling
technologies such as the Internet and electronic agents (personal
electronic servants) that allow individuals to work together
impermanently, informally. This allows "collapsible corporations"
"structured" around electronic signals to combine to meet customer
requirements. This is just a different form of dynamic collaboration.
I believe that it is not just possible to eliminate companies as we know
them today or necessary because they increasingly fail but also
desirable. We can live our dreams more fully and achieve better balance
in our lives outside of companies. Business transactions become more
like your social ones: you can work with who you want to, just like you
drink and go out with people you want to. The biggest constraint upon
human civil liberties today is the corporation with its offices, ranks
and procedures.
One of the biggest problems with organized society is exclusion.
Technological capitalism on the other hand is the opportunity for all
people to pursue the opportunities is facilitated by these unorganized
world trends. People who do not fit into organized systems such as gang
members (picture them in your board room) can nonethless create wealth
using low entry barrier media like the Internet.
We are replacing coercion with voluntary, institution with individual,
intervention with interaction and so on.
The "coldness" and so on felt by some list members towards my world may be
because to thrive and succeed in such a world, individuals have to think
of themselves as brands and not rankers and operate globally using the
Internet. Some people may not be able to operate in such an environment.
They may not be able to create the requisite ideas that are the currency
of this world.
I do not know how long list members will continue to reinvent outmoded
organized collective structures such as companies and teams. That is for
you to decide. Its all just busyness: unnecessary problems that need not
nor should not be tolerated. You can either change voluntarily or deny
this change until the market takes your company away. You cannot learn or
create unless you are willing to reassess the received wisdom of your
experience. If you want to reinvent your existing company then read my new
book on downstructuring. If you want to prepare yourself as an individual,
read my new book on creating person as brand.
"Free your mind and the rest will follow..." Song lyric
"The world belongs to the discontented" Robert W. Woodruff, Coca-Cola
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburgers" Unknown
"If 1,000 people tell you to lie down, unsubscribe" Buck
Regards, sincerely, Simon Buckingham
3 new books just live at http://www.unorg.com
--Simon Buckingham <go57@dial.pipex.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>