Team Building LO15454

Richard C. Holloway (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 18:12:23 -0700

Replying to LO15432 --

Simon Buckingham wrote:

> I said that "For me, dependence on other people is neither a good thing,
> nor a necessary thing". Richard C. Holloway and Eugene Taurman both
> strongly disagreed with me.
> I will try to explain this truth and these feelings of mine more clearly.

thanks, Simon, for sharing your heart with us.

I think that the world you've presented in this posting is not so far from
the picture that I have. I'm not an absolutist, though, realizing the
continuing existence, cheek by jowl, of very disparate organizations.

I also don't believe you've presented a cogent argument establishing
independence. I understand the autonomy you've described (and which I
too, cherish). It is, after all, autonomy of action that is the great
liberator. Autonomous interdependence is perhaps the correct phrase to
describe these relationships, in lieu of that "nasty" word, dependence.
Independence, one of the core values from my youth, I've found does not
accurately describe what I truly pursued. We simply cannot ever be truly
free from the influence, and sometimes the external control or support, of
others. Autonomy more accurately depicts that freedom (or independence)
of choice and will, the self-governing aspect which you've so richly

> I do not know how long list members will continue to reinvent outmoded
> organized collective structures such as companies and teams. That is for
> you to decide. Its all just busyness: unnecessary problems that need not
> nor should not be tolerated. You can either change voluntarily or deny
> this change until the market takes your company away. You cannot learn or
> create unless you are willing to reassess the received wisdom of your
> experience. If you want to reinvent your existing company then read my new
> book on downstructuring. If you want to prepare yourself as an individual,
> read my new book on creating person as brand.

I empathize with your frustration, while realizing that so many others who
we are sharing this ride with rely on the organized collective structures
for their peace of mind. Also, while I will obtain and read a copy of
your book, I suspect that reinventing oneself (or one's organization) is
not dependent on reading your book.

yours for continuous learning,


Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Visit me at <>
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