Gordon Housworth,,
Your SMART list is a nice summary of why and what to measure. It is most
important for those who are hung up on measuring of performance rather
than improving the process.
An aside comment I find it very discouraging to listen to those who are
trying to measure and judge performance of others. it can be destructive
and reduce the chances of improving the processes.
At 06:08 PM 10/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>S.M.A.R.T. - Yardstick of Improvement
>1. Specific
>2. Measurable
>3. Achievable
>4. Relevant
>5. Time-constrained
[...big snip by your host...]
Eugene Taurman
interLinx ilx@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~ilx
What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs 23 Ch7
--Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>
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