Project Learning Review LO15533

Ian Saunders (
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 12:44 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Replying to LO15504 --

Hi Martin

What an interesting project.

My observations are on your questions.

In my experience asking "How" questions can sometimes (quite often
actually) lead to very introspective analysis rather than action oriented

So I would favour a more specific review question

"What was good about our, planning, etc"


"What should we do differently next time?"

THis leads to more action oriented reflections that help to move things

I am very interested in the whole process of 'review' and what needs to
happen for it to be more effective within and between projects. Can we do
more using electronic media?

It seems to me that failing to learn more effectively from projects, so
that good things can be incorporated and ineffective things changed in
subsequent projects is an area that needs some action.

I look forward to other responses to your message. If I can help in any
way I would like to do so.

Ian Saunders
Transition Partnerships - Harnessing change for business advantage

-- (Ian Saunders)

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