I am seeking demonstration cites for a new leadership technology. My
intent is to demonstrate the capability of a methodology I have developed
called LeadSimm. LeadSimm is a non-computer, interpersonal, table-top
simulation designed to play custom organizational simulations.
Participants are immersed in realistic, complex scenarios designed around
organizations specific needs. LeadSimm is an implementation strategy for
collaborative leadership and the learning organization.
LeadSimm has proven its worth in public settings i.e. community policing
and not-for-profit but I am interested in demonstrating its worth in the
private sector as well. I would require access following the simulation,
to the people for interviews to assess, from their experiences what they
learned and any shifts in mental models they feel they have made. I also
require this research to finish my doctoral dissertation.
My specific needs are an intact group, ( a group from a particular
organization) 25 people in a private for-profit firm, for a three day
seminar the cost to the organization is ZERO in terms of my time.
Obviously, the organization will have to bear the costs of providing the
people for the three day training, meaning they will have to be at the
training for the three days. I will come to you, no cost with this as
well. The seminar is designed to be 90% experiential with the other 10%
used to provide basic groundwork information.
If you have been thinking of leadership training for your corporation and
if you are tired of the same old leadership ideas and want to try
something new, exciting, and dare I say very cool you might want to be a
demonstration cite. If you are trying to create a learning organization,
the concept of collaborative leadership is the fuel that drives the
learning organization engine.
I would prefer to have a cite located as near San Diego as possible, it
would be convenient to me. A basic explanation of collaborative leadership
follows along with a short explanation of LeadSimm.
If you are interested send me an email or call me and we can discuss it
Thanking you in Advance. Please pardon the rather long explanation but I
do want you to know what you will be seeing and experiencing.
[Host's Note: John included a longer explanation of LeadSim that I've
snipped... If interested, please write directly to John. ...Rick]
Thank you for your indulgence.
John Dentico
Avatar Leadership Simulations
--"John P. Dentico" <jdentico@adnc.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>