Happiness at Work LO15620

Mon, 3 Nov 97 12:19:47 -0500

Replying to LO15597 --

Simon buckingham writes in lo15597:
"The only 4 adjectives I do not like (of the 23) are structure, process,
measurement and management." (re: LO15584)

I feel that you have misinterpreted Structure-Process to mean external
constraints. Having had many off line discussions with At on
Being-Becoming, I can assure you that your interpretation of structure
process as external (possibly societal) constraints is out of context. This
interpretation is much deeper, going to the heart of your own _personal_
learning process. Like it or not, you do have a learning 'process' and it
is based on your intellectual structure, (yup, you have a structure also).
I have saved most of At's posts and personal mailings. I would be glad to
forward some of them to you so you can understand the depth of At's theory
and why he describes it as a paradigmatic shift.




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