Research on this LO dialogue LO15698

Scott Simmerman (
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 16:35:12 -0500

Replying to LO15675 --

On this LO dialog thing, always remember:

"That which doesn't kill you always makes you stronger.


"Fear is the mind killer." Frank Herbert, The Dune trilogy


"Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that THEY aren't out to get


"There once was a man from Amuck
Who found that he never got stuck...
When he


"Those that don't read good books have no material advantage over
those that can't."
-Mark Twain

"Don't pay any attention to the critics -- don't even ignore them."
Samuel Goldwyn

John Sununu (Gov of NH): "You're telling us that the reason things are so
bad is that they are so good, and they will get better as soon as they get

Response: "You got it." - James A Baker, Secretary of Treasury

"Last night I neglected to mention something that bares repeating."
Ron Fairly, SF Giants baseball broadcaster

"I hate being a bureaucrat and will resign as soon as I know the proper
cartoon caption by Hector Breeze

"When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it.
Samuel Goldwyn



Scott Simmerman Scott Simmerman <>

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