>Our school district is looking for a way to celebrate American Education
>Week. Some of us believe that instead of using it as a publicity event, we
>should find a way to sincerely thank the staff that do the real work of
>nurturing our children.
My suggestion would be to do precisely as you suggest. Thank the staff
with sincerity.
Secondly, if they indeed do deserve to be thanked, they also deserve to be
paid fairly. Therefore my suggestion is that if there are funds available,
use them to correct the inequity.
Thirdly, I would not recommend soliciting charitable donations. These
people are professionals. After all, we trust them with our children's
future. Nor would I recommend creating a frivolous competition by having
pupils nominate their favorite teachers. The true value of a good teacher
is not determined by a popularity contest. Sometime in the future these
children might be able to ascertain who their really good teachers were,
but not today.
Best regards,
Walter G. Prevalnig
PREVALNIG & ASSOCIATES " Building Learning Organizations"
<info@prevalnig.com> Visit our website at : www.prevalnig.com
--"Walter G. Prevalnig" <Prevalnig@compuserve.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>