Our school district is looking for a way to celebrate American Education
Week. Some of us believe that instead of using it as a publicity event, we
should find a way to sincerely thank the staff that do the real work of
nurturing our children.
Here's the rub. This year taxpayers in our district have twice
defeated levy initiatives (tax increases). The first would have given a
pay increase to teachers. They still get a small raise for being here
another year, but wages are becoming less com petitive with districts in
the area. Non-teacher staff got almost no increase.
Rub #2: The board decided to give the superintendent a five-figure raise
just a month after the second levy failed. Now, most people love the
superintendent, but many have a problem with the timing. You can imagine
the song: "We have no money for teachers or support staff, or for opening
new schools, but the boss get's a big pay hike."
Rub # 3: It is possible that the district may receive more revenue this
year than anticipated...a windfall of sorts. However, the board has made
no commitments about what to do with the extra money. If they don't give
it to the teachers, they will cry "fo ul". If they do give it to the
teachers, the public who voted against a pay raise may feel subverted. (Of
course, maybe they don't care who gets a raise, as long as it's not from a
tax hike.)
The big question: Given that political and social morass, how can the
district appropriately and genuinely recognize the sacrifice, commitment,
dedication and caring of our staff? BTW, American Education Week starts
Nov. 16, 1997.
Grace & Peace,
Scott Ott
--Scott Ott <SOTT@nkcsd.k12.mo.us>
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