Could I sound a word of caution, while agreeing that business benefits
should be measured as far as possible - even if by Balanced Scorecard
methods rather than just in the financials?
The trouble with using measurement like NPV/DCF is that some people
believe the figures when they see them written down, without challenging
the assumptions on which they are based.
It seems to me that the smaller, high return project should often be
grabbed - and that the large project should be broken down into smaller
'bites' which might be pursued as more focussed, less risky projects.
I heard that the new CIO of a large multinational set a new standard for
his Group - no project was to be planned to last more than 12 months and
no project was to involve a team greater than 50 people.
What had he learned to make him impose these rules?
And yes, he did set up an integration and review process, so as not to
throw out the baby with the bathwater!
Antony Aitken
Transition Partnerships (Antony Aitken)
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