Measuring Value of IT LO15820

Rol Fessenden (
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 14:29:44 -0500

Replying to LO15797 --

Antony said,

"I heard that the new CIO of a large multinational set a new standard for
his Group - no project was to be planned to last more than 12 months and
no project was to involve a team greater than 50 people.

What had he learned to make him impose these rules?"

This is a very good point, Antony. The priorities of the world change so
fast that even if we have long term projects we need to constantly
re-evaluate the next steps. We use a methodology similar to the one you
described, and it has made a gret difference in our ability to keep the IT
organization aligned with the current needs of the business.


Rol Fessenden LL Bean, Inc 76234,

1. Challenge the process. 2. Inspire a shared vision. 3. Enable others to act. 4. Model the way. 5. Encourage the heart.

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