Are Humans Resources? LO15799

Rol Fessenden (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 22:17:47 -0500

Replying to LO15758 --

At, you said,

"A resource is anything owned such that something can be taken from it.
This is a linguistic fact - the meaning of the word resource."

Linguistically, my dictionary says it comes from the French resourdre,
which means to arise anew or to spring up. It refers to the reality that
a resource is anything that one can turn to in time of need or emergency.
There is no implication of ownership.

[Host's Note: So... At is saying a resource is something that is depleted
through use. And, reading a bit between the lines of Rol's, a resource
might be anything that can be employed to accomplish a purpose. ..Rick]


Rol Fessenden LL Bean, Inc 76234,

1. Challenge the process. 2. Inspire a shared vision. 3. Enable others to act. 4. Model the way. 5. Encourage the heart.

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