Measuring Value of IT LO15909 - CORRECTION

Martin Wood (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:47:30 -0000

Replying to LO15883 --

Mike Beedle has written to me offline about the above post. I was wrong
about this URL not working, and I'd like to explain what happened to me.

It appears that the URL string was too wide for my window in my MSMail
reader, and so the last few letters were put on a separate line. When, as
I usually do, I clicked on the URL in the email msg my PC launched the
browser, and tried the truncated URL. The server thought I was trying to
add a new page, blocked it, and responded with an error page.

That explains why I couldn't hit the page Mike cited first time - and yes
with the full URL it is possible to access it. It is perhaps a lesson to
all of us about relying too much on technology.

Having got myself into an error page, I was frustrated that using the
provided search engine didn't find the article for me. And for others
faced with a similar response, no doubt some would give up at that point
and miss out on an interesting and inform ative article. So I persevered
using the other route I mentioned.

Mike had asked me to hold back my post until he'd investigated. But
because of the time difference between the UK and US, I had already
submitted LO15883, and my email request to Rick to hold it back didn't
reach him in time. That was unfortunate.

I'm sorry if my remarks were seen as denigrating the work of Mike and his
colleagues. That wasn't my intent. What I perceived was a search engine
that didn't help me locate the information that was inside that server
somewhere. In my eyes, at that point it had low value to me. Other
users of that engine may think differently, as perhaps I would when using
it on another occasion.


[Host's Note: Martin, thanks for the followup note. As far as I'm
concerned, apology accepted... Rick]

Martin Wood, Projects Manager
Communications Industry Group, EDS, Wavendon Tower
E-mail:, Tel: +44 1908 284050

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