"Wow! This message brought a bunch of stuff together for me:
- The messages about Simon and Garfunkel's "I am a rock, I am an island".
- Simon Buckingham's deconstruction of formal organizations, and his
reservations about the importance of trust.
- At de Lange's progressive revelations of his model of emergences and
- Ben Compton's descriptions of the dysfunctional Novell community, and his
attempts to change it."
Yessiree. We need a common mental model. We need trust. We need common
culture. We need to share common experiences. We need common goals. Take
away any of those common components and the risk starts to rise that
betrayal will occur when a major violation of one of the major common
elements breaks down.
I am leading a multi-national, multi-cultural startup technology company
doing business in Manila and Kuala Lumpur with locals and ex-pats,
including Canadians and Americans, in all locations. All of the above
factors must be aligned. It is the toughest assignment I have ever taken
on. The NIMBY example cited illustrates to me that most situations are so
easy that people can be lulled into a false sense of security and get
surprised when they find themselves offside of ONE of the commonsense
items. Please reply to my ID and that will prompt me to return to the web
site. Thanks, Keith.
--"Keith Cowan" <Kcowan@orion.GlobalDEN.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>