On 5/12/1997 14:17 Sandy Demeo <sad03@health.state.ny.us> wrote in
>1/ Does anyone have good references for latest reviews of research, in
>particulr, about best ways for top managment and workers to communicate
>with each other? ...snip... Also, how can workers best communicate their
>concerns to top management.
I listenned to two excellent presentations on employee communications
strategies on Tursday night at a local Institute of Personnel and
Development Meeting. The presenters were Debbie Yeomans, Employee
Communications Manager of Xerox UK (Fax: +44 1895 254095;
e-fax: remote-printer.Debbie_Yeomans/Xerox@441895254095.iddd.tpc.int)
and Gp Capt Philip Turner of the RAF Personnel Management Agency (Tel:
+44 1452 712612 x 7792; fax: +44 1452 510805;
e-fax: remote-printer.GpCapt_Philip_Turner/PMA@441452510805.iddd.tpc.int).
Both addressed top down and bottom up issues. Debbie's system is tried
and tested and Phil's is not yet 18 months old. Both were clear that they
had produced enormous benefits all round. Both supported their
presentations with Powerpoint slides so they might be prepared to send you
Both were clear that communicating corporate purpose, vision and goals was
vital and that staff want to hear about it. For both two-way was vital
hope this helps
[Let me know if you would like a copy of my notes from the meeting]
Alan Mossman alanmossman@compuserve.com
--Alan Mossman <alanmossman@compuserve.com> The Change Business Ltd 19 Whitehall STROUD GL5 1HA UK 01453 765611 fax: 01453 752261
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