My response to Scotts request is only to raise a question or two. Being
in a different culture, I cannot make a useful contribution in the form of
advice/lecture. Work ethic in the US has always been different from ours
in India. Yet from my understanding of Western Culture and its current
affluence, I wonder if its teens of today have the same need for work as
they had a generation or two ago? I wonder if there is a link between the
parable of the boiled frog (Field book) and current thread on this list
"the way a nation learns" for answers to the question Scott has asked?
Thomas P Benjamin
Thomas P Benjamin
Institute of Rural Management, Anand
PB No. 60, Anand 388 001 India
Voice:02692 40186/40181(o) 40603(R)
Fax: 02692 40188
Telex: 0172-242 IRMA IN
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