Holiday Best Wishes LO16345

John Dicus (
Wed, 24 Dec 1997 10:39:42 -0500

Replying to LO16322 --

At 10:42 PM 12/23/97 -0500, Richard Karash wrote:

>Anyone who would like to add their own holiday
>message, feel free to reply to the msg.

I was about to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. I'll take Rick's
offer to tag along on his message.

I thank each of you for the challenge you present for our learning and
growth. I thank you for your care and intention. The content is always
thoughtful and balanced, but I thank you most for the manner in which you
offer your content -- for your civility -- for your grace and ease.

Each of you -- all of us together -- try our best to model our beliefs and
dreams. It makes a difference.

It is an honor to be a part of you.

John Dicus


John Dicus | Cornerstone Consulting Associates Providing Experiences In... Teamwork - Systems - Stewardship | 800-773-8017 (in US) | 330-725-2728 (voice/fax) 2761 Stiegler Rd, Valley City OH 44280 (Experiences in Stewardship - April 26-29 & Oct 25-28, 1998)

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