Holiday Best Wishes LO16348

David Tucker (
Wed, 24 Dec 1997 11:36:50 -0500

Replying to LO16322 --

As someone who reads the list but until now has not written,

As someone who has trouble keeping current with the dialogue -- but
instead plays "catch up" once or twice a week,

As someone who keeps thinking about dis-engaging from the list because I'm
playing catch up -- but then reads a few more of your thoughts and
realizes what I'd be missing if I did,

As someone who has come to rely on the list as a connection to a wide
variety of perspectives -- perspectives which help me to "shake up" my own
mental models,

And as someone who has enjoyed learning from you ---

May you ALL enjoy a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year full of wonder and
surprises (and maybe a few learning opportunities).



David Tucker <>

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