I ask for your advice about best engineering-management or management of
technology (MOT) graduate programs (Master or Doctorate).
I teach at one mexican university and in order to help for accreditation
of the programs at my school (chemical engineering) it's time to start
graduate studies.
The last four years I've been working in the Management of technology
program and Business plan formulation. I own a bachelors in chemical
engineering and have specialized studies in both MOT and project
formulation and evaluation. Personal interest are in business management,
engineering, quality assurance and project management.
I expect to acomplish the neccesary steps in 1998 and to start in 1999 or
before if possible.
-- Alan Garcia Lira / Fac.Ing.Quimica. Univ.Autonoma de Yucatan. Merida,Yuc,MEX e-mails: glira@sureste.com ; glira@tunku.uady.mx Tel:(5299)46-0989 / FAX: (5299)46-0994.Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>