Mnr AM de Lange wrote:
> Simon seems to have apologised for the essentiality "quality-variety"
> (rangeness). I think that he rather may have apologised for the length of
> our dialogue - something which I would do.
I was apologizing to readers for my use of unorganization-specific jargon
such as from rankers to branders via lifestreams, downstructuring,
opporTUNEitizing and so on. Both At and myself tend to have our own
vocabulary and terminology. I believe that whilst it is difficult for a
first time reader to understand the terms, once they are familiar with
them and thought about them, they act as useful signposts, especially when
they are descriptive words. As long as the word has both a good name
(outer core) and valuable truth in it (inner core), hopefully these terms
and their descriptions are useful!
regards simon buckingham
--Simon Buckingham <>
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