LO Fanatics:
It seems Doc Holloway went to the horse's mouth and counted the teeth.
He posted the following. which I repeat here just because it might be a
permanent part of Rick's ending post with the option for new definitions
to be added.
>(Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged):
>1. the act or process of organizing
>2. the state or manner of being organized
>3. that which is organized
>4. organic structure, composition
>5. a body of persons organized for some end or work
>6. the administrative personnel or apparatus of a business
>7. the functionaries of a political party along with the offices, committees,
>8. an organism
Is not the English language an open system? The lexicographers meet yearly
and vote new words into the system. I believe the "Fast Company"
Consultant Debunking Unit has already dealt with the idea that eskimos
have 24 words for snow (not found to be true). We could go to a German
type of noun building system, or continue to use context to identify the
sense in which the words are used.
organizationdoing >1. the act or process of organizing
orgnizationdone >2. the state or manner of being organized
organizationis >3. that which is organized
organizationform>4. organic structure, composition
organizationgroup>5. a body of persons organized for some end or work
organizationapparat>6. the administrative personnel or apparatus of a business
organizationhierarchy>7. the functionaries of a political party along with
the offices, committees,
Learning for me is all about communication and languages are tools. I'm
guilty of trying to use langage to learn and understand and may have bored
or informed people on this list with past, present and future posts - but -
Hey - that's life in virtual community.
--Thomas J. (Tom) Christoffel * e-mail: tjcdsgns@shentel.net My mission: "Regions_Work!" Why? "All markets are regional and the economy is global. Two or more crossing boundaries to solve a problem is regional cooperation." *TJCdesigns * Box 1444 * Front Royal, Virginia (VA) 22630-1444 * "True peace is dynamic. For sustainability, design with re-use in mind."
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>