>* To extend the above, the team must be given all of the tools, powers,
>and responsibilities for management -- nothing can be held back. They
>must have their own budget that they develop themselves; they must be
>allowed to spend it in any way they see fit; they must develop their own
>objectives for service; they must also develop their own systems for
>measuring their success. All of this must be done without the distraction
>of "higher-ups" offering unsolicited critique or "advice" about the
>decisions. The team must be accountable to itself.
Agree in principle. However..... Gifford and Elisabeth Pinchot, in their
book "The end of Bureaucracy and the rise of the Intelligent Organisation"
(chapter 4. The Seven Essentials of Organisational Intelligence) argue
that freedom of choice also requires responsibility for the whole.
Freedom of choice involves widespread truth and rights, freedom of
enterprise and liberated teams; Responsibility for the whole involves
equality and diversity, voluntary learning networks and domocratic
The chapter is really worth reading.
Kelly Consulting Pty Ltd Development Strategies
PO Box 5769 Tel 617 3844 8077
West End Q. 4101 Fax 617 3255 0360
AUSTRALIA email nkelly@uq.net.au
--"Neil Kelly" <nkelly@uq.net.au>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>